Saturday, January 16, 2010

3-P !! 3-D Porn is Cuming to a TV near You!!!

Everything eventually gets used for sexual purposes... can we blame ourselves? No. We're animals. And we LOVE it! So here comes my favorite invention so far this decade...3-D PORN!

That's right kids!! Now the moneyshot will be in YOUR face!

The cool thing about this is not only the 3-D porn but just the new technology of 3-D Television in general. It's a pretty exciting concept and new frontier to be getting into. Thanks god!! I was getting so bored of my world communication devisces and flying machines!!

>Read all about the porn usage of this technology HERE.
>Read all about the new 3-D TV Channel from Discovery, IMAX, & Sony Partnership HERE.

Just some more fodder for your sinning.
Your MC, GV